Friday, January 30, 2015

Skin Care: Used Products

Without stepping into the makeup area (because then we'd be here all day), I have gathered up all my skin care products that are already opened. This includes cleansers, scrubs, moisturizers, and masks that are in tubes and tubs. I even showed how much product I have left in each thing!

Skin Care: Unused Products

I have to separate my skin products because there's just way too many of them. Let's start with my unopened products... How did I end up with so many products? It's definitely a combination of retail therapy, sales and coupons, and just liking a product a little too much...

Monday, January 5, 2015

And So It Begins...

The first day of my retail fast. I didn't want to be like everyone else and start my New Years Resolution on January 1st... (but I must also admit that I was out shopping during the New Years weekend... oops.) It's always better to start later than never, right? I guess you can say that my biggest weakness is online shopping and that has definitely put a major dent in my bank account. I've decided to take action and set myself up with small goals, rather than restrict myself to no shopping at all for the entire year.

So... starting today, my goal is to not shop for a month! (The only exception? Just food and medicine... within a reasonable budget, of course!) If I can do it, I get to reward myself with my favorite dinner ever! Can't wait!